Advanced Mold Testing and Mold Remediation Services
Certified Attic Mold Remediation...Black Mold Removal
Serving the
Massachusetts & Southern NH Areas
A+ Rating
Current MA Mold Remediation Reg.
Lic. # 167724
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Attic Ceiling Mold Pictures
These attic mold inspection photos are from some recent
mold remediation jobs we have performed. As you can see, the
mold types vary in color and severity from one attic to another.
Attic ceiling mold can range in color from white, light gray,
yellow, dark gray to black. We were able to restore all of these
heavily mold contaminated attic ceilings to a mold-free
condition with clean natural looking wood.

Simple Strategies For Understanding &
Correcting Attic Mold
Attic mold is extremely common in
our Northern climate.
Attic Mold growth is generally directly attributable to
these basic
Lack of adequate
attic ventilation or improper ventilation
exhausted bathroom fans, and or, dryer vents Inadequate
ventilation after solar panels were installed Failure
to install enough roofing "Ice Shield Membrane"
Existing, or past roof or roof flashing leaks
installed attic floor insulation
The Most Common Cause of
Attic Mold is Improper Attic Ventilation
Mold types found in Attics
briefly discuss each problem and the appropriate
remedy as well as covering the basic mold remediation strategies
recommended for the Massachusetts area. Let’s start by
explaining that in most attics mold does not grow in
the summertime. This is because during the spring, summer
and early fall months the daytime temperature of the attic is
far to hot for the mold to effectively grow and the
humidity levels inside the attic are typically too low to allow
mold growth. Most molds will only grow between 40 and 90
degrees Fahrenheit. Some molds that belong to a special class of mold
(the ones usually affecting northern climate attics) called the Chrysophile molds will grow in temperatures as low as the 20’s.
Cladosporium or penicillium mold are frequently found growing on
damp attic ceiling sheathing. Another common attic mold is aspergillus.
Alternaria is less common, but one of he most toxic mold types
we find growing in attics during the winter. These molds can be
found growing in poorly ventilated
attics on the ceiling sheathing and ceiling joists.
Attic Ceiling Mold With Frosted Nail
Heads in the Winter
How Mold Growth Occurs
During the winter months when we heat
our homes, some of the heat is inevitably lost into the un-heated attic space. This warm heated air should move
upward towards the attic upper ridge vent and harmlessly dissipate
outside the attic, but this only occurs if the attic is properly
If however, the attic is poorly vented,
the warm trapped air will start to condense on the cold surface
of the underside of the roofing boards or sheathing. This warm
air meeting a very cold surface results in a dew-point being
This dew-point created condensation is often more noticeable on
the frosted roofing nails as the nails are more efficient at conducting
the cold temperature from outside. The condensation on the
roofing nails then forms water droplets which drip onto the
floor of the attic. When the night-time temperature is cold
enough the nail heads will start to frost up like in the picture
above. This only occurs in poorly ventilated attics.
Sometimes a roof will have sufficient roof ventilation (ridge
vent), but the soffits (eaves) are not vented. Even more common
is when a house receives new siding. The siding contractor will
install vented soffit panels. This gives the eaves the
appearance of being vented, when in reality they are not, as no
vent openings were ever cut into the plywood covering the bottom
of the eaves. Sometimes the attic is ventilated properly, but an
over zealous attempt to insulate the attic floor has restricted
or totally blocked the air flow from the soffits to the ridge,
preventing proper ventilation. An easy way to check whether or
not the soffit vents are there, or are
functioning properly, is to go up into the attic on a sunny day,
extinguish all lights and look for daylight coming
in along the edges. Well ventilated soffit bays should have
visible daylight coming in along the lower soffits. There are
different styles of soffit and ridge venting, some work much
better than others. Ask our inspector what venting improvements
are needed to properly ventilate your attic.
What is the best way to vent the roof?
ventilation is divided into two categories:
& Outgoing
Air: The most effective way for air to enter the roof is through
vents that are placed in the soffits along the eves. Continuous
strip vents provide the most air-flow. Rectangular vents are
also acceptable if enough are installed and the wood above them
has been mostly cut out before the covers were installed. Round ventilator
caps are also a good option and are easy to install,
but must be large enough to provide adequate air flow. Many of
these round ventilator caps have very fine screens built into
them that will severely restrict air flow into the attic. So,
the proper vent caps will be needed. We now carry them for your
convenience in multiple sizes. If your
house has gutters all soffit venting must be from underneath the
soffits. Drip edge vents, like hicks vents, fail to vent when
snow or ice accumulates in the gutters and covers up the vent
Note: Homes without soffit overhangs like
gambrels - can sometimes be vented from the lower roof line, if
a drip edge vent (hicks vent) can be installed. If not, air
will need to be exhausted out a side gable vent.
Outgoing Air:
Rising attic air escapes through the top of the roof. There are many ways to
achieve sufficient ventilation including : Ridge Vents,
Turbines or Powered Vents, Box Vents and Gable End Vents.
High air flow continuous
ridge vents are the preferred method for eliminating built up
hot air, but may not be sufficient to ventilate short ridged
roofs like on hip roof homes.
attics or cathedral ceilings properly is often neglected
during initial construction. Mold growth commonly occurs behind
poorly ventilated cathedral ceilings and crawlspace exterior
ceiling insulation.
Balanced System: For attics to adequately ventilate, both
proper soffit venting (intake) and ridge/roof venting (exhaust air) are needed. One is no good without the
other. Remember, attic ventilation requirements can change over
the years as moisture levels change inside our homes.
Roof Leaks:
always need to be addressed by a professional roofer and special
attention needs to be paid to flashings around chimneys and
indeed any penetration found in the roof decking. Flashings
often require maintenance between roof shingling jobs and are
extremely important to maintain. Roof leak can often develop
into festering mold problems both in the attic cavity or worse,
inside of hidden wall cavities in the home.
Ice Damming:
occurs along the eves immediately above the plate-line of the
exterior walls. Leakage in this area easily penetrates into wall
cavities where it can become trapped between exterior finish
materials and interior vapor barriers. A surprisingly small
amount of water can raise the relative humidity of a wall cavity
to damaging levels. Mold growth may eventually become visible
along the wall base as it penetrates from exterior to interior
wall surfaces. More critically spore and VOCs (Volitile Organic
Compounds) released by mold can aggravate serious health
problems in the house's occupants. Especially at risk are the
very young and the old as well as allergy –sensitive or immune-compromised
In some
mild cases ventilation corrections are enough to cure the
problem in severe cases the roof shingles must be removed
and an ice dam membrane material (Grace is top rated) installed along the
lower eves. It should run 6 feet up from the eaves.
On a very shallow pitch roof the ice dam membrane should
run the entire length from the eaves to the ridge vent.
A quality ice-dam membrane will seal around all the
roofing nails and prevent water from ice-dams and wind
driven rain from wetting the wood sheathing under the
shingles. In severe cases
mold growth can also spread down into the exterior walls. The
drywall and wall insulation would then need to be
professionally removed
and disposed of and mold remediation performed.
Vented Bathroom Fans: Bathroom fans and dryer vents can generate a lot of moisture. They should
be vented directly up and out through the roof or through the
attic side-wall. The second choice is through the bottom of the
soffit overhang. Often
times builders or do it yourselfers, will discharge fans or dryer
discharges directly into the attic, greatly increasing the
overall humidity. Do-it-yourselfers often try to connect more
than one fan into a discharge and will commonly run the
discharge out to the eves or soffits rather than straight up and
out through the roof. The remedy is simple, one fan, one roof vent, vertically up through the roof overhead. On the outside
the vent has a hat and is not a risk for water leaks. Remember,
the soffit vents are air intakes. Venting a bathroom or dryer
through a soffit vent will allow some of the moist air to get
drawn right back into the attic, especially if a poorly designed
vent housing is installed.
Attic Mold Remediation Treatments
there are as many “treatments” for mold as there are remediators
out in the real world offering “mold remediation”. Mold spores
can grow at alarming rates. Under ideal conditions, one mold spore can develop into 12
million in twelve hours!
Also, the
mold is feeding on the attic ceiling sheathing and ceiling
joists and what you can see with
the naked eye are millions and millions of them clumped
together. What you can’t see are the “roots”,
the mold organism
itself. The roots of mold (hyphae) can grow into the substrate
3/16 of an inch or deeper. What we think of as the mold (the clumped
spores) are actually the fruit or reproductive body, like an
apple on a apple tree. You cannot hope to solve a mold
problem leaving these roots and treating only the surface
of the wood.
Common problem:
Trying to remediate mold growth on a porous surface, such as wood, with bleach.
Bleach has an ion structure that prevents it from penetrating
into a porous substrate like wood, this means it leaves the
roots un-harmed. This technique leaves the
root structure intact and guarantees that if you ever
have a new water leak, or moisture continuing to condense on the
attic ceiling, the mold will go right into full
production and the mold problem will immediately return. Also,
using bleach on wood harms the wood and leaves a whitish
bleached out looking color to the once brownish looking wood.
Our Mold Remediation System
Phase 1
Prepping the Home
first thing we do is site preparation. We isolate the attic from
the rest of the house. We'll install a HEPPA filtered air scrubber machine. We put down protective
covering through the
walkways of the house where we will be working. This
important step protects your home, and guarantees no staining or
dirt is carried into the carpets in the home from the attic work
area. Your house is
important to us we will treat you as if we were working on our own house!
Phase 2
Killing the
surface mold growth
We'll clean the mold growth from the attic ceiling joists and
ceiling sheathing using an EPA approved moldicide/cleaner/disinfectant/sanitizer
that was specifically formulated
for mold remediation and will kill all types of attic mold and
harmful bacteria.
Phase 3
Removing the
Mold & Mold Stains - Getting Rid of the Evidence
This is absolutely a must.
Removing the
darkened mold & mold stained areas is a very important part of the
process. This is the most difficult part of the mold remediation process
and the part that most
companies fall short on.
We pride ourselves in performing this
important step.
Buyers & Homeowners Beware:
Mold remediation
companies vary considerably in the quality of the mold
remediation services they provide. This is why the cost of mold
remediation varies so much. Some companies will simply spray a
product to kill most of the surface mold and still leave you
with dark visible mold. That might be all they do. Others
at this point will just spray a clear sealer over the dark mold
to encapsulate it, but you will still see the mold through the
sealer and it can't ever be cleaned again. Others, will cover
your entire attic ceiling sheathing, ceiling joists and
side-walls with a white pigmented low quality paint product to cover-up the
darkened mold areas. This white coating, depending on quality, will
commonly start to
peel-off in about 2 to 4 years where applied over these poorly
cleaned or un-cleaned areas. When this happens the natural
looking wooden ceiling surface
can't be cleaned again. Total replacement of the roof sheathing
is usually needed at this point, but you will still be left with
strange looking white painted ceiling joists and both attic
side-walls will still be white. A white painted attic ceiling
signifies a past mold problem and puts up a red flag to future
buyers and home inspectors. Attic mold remediation & proper
venting corrections need to be performed correctly the 1st time
to prevent large future re-roofing expenditures. If attic
ceiling mold remediation isn't performed properly the 1st time,
future buyers will think there is still a mold problem and ask
you to pay for new mold remediation cleaning or roof replacement
before buying your house.
We get the attic ceiling wood looking clean and
bright, so when we apply our final long lasting clear
anti-microbial sealer you can see the clean bright wood through
our transparent protectant sealer.
Phase 4 -
Kill the Roots, This will keep it from coming right back!
Fungicide application to the Attic Sheathing and
Joists: We actually impregnate the attic ceiling wood with an
environmentally friendly solution from the mineral family.
This product is absolutely amazing. It's designed to
penetrate deep into the substrate (mold roots commonly grow 3/16's
of an inch into the wood) and kill the roots of the mold.
It not only prevents all hosts of decay and fungi, but it
also prevents wood boring insects such as; carpenter ants,
powder post beetles and termites.
Phase 5 - Application of an anti-microbial protectant
This is also sometimes referred to as an encapsulant sealer.
These coatings come either as a clear, or a white tinted sealer.
They vary is quality. The most important qualities are
durability against peeling and preventing new mold re-growth . Many people mistakenly apply a white paint coating like Kills,
instead of a high quality anti-microbial sealer. I've seen many
properties where the mold is re-growing right on the white
coating material. Many companies apply a heavily pigmented
white coating over poorly cleaned areas to cover up remaining
mold areas. White coated attic ceilings send up a huge red flag
to future home inspectors. This will lead to you having to
answer many mold related questions from the buyer. Remember, most coatings will peel within a few years
if applied over un-cleaned mold areas. This results in a difficult very
expensive redo. Redoing a failed
mold remediation job to a peeling attic ceiling is most
difficult. Frequently, when this occurs the owner will have to
have the entire attic ceiling sheathing replaced. Then,
have the remaining attic side-walls and the front and rear attic
ceiling joists remediated again for mold growth.
Unfortunately, to replace the
peeling roof sheathing requires you to have all the roof
shingles removed and replaced. Replacing the roof
shingles, roof sheathing, ice-damming membrane and then having
to also pay for new mold remediation to the existing attic
side-walls and ceiling joists commonly costs well north of
its very important to do it right the
1st time.
We use a high quality, long lasting,
anti-microbial sealer on attic ceilings 99% of the
time because we get the dark mold covered ceilings
looking clean and bright.
A high quality anti-microbial sealer should also be applied if
there is any chance of the ventilation corrections not being
adequate to properly vent the home's moisture out of the attic,
or if, the home has higher than normal basement or upstairs
moisture levels, or if any warranty is needed. Without a
properly applied quality sealer the attic ceiling mold
could grow right back in just one winter if humidity
levels were high enough.
Note: It doesn't matter if
ventilation corrections are done before, or after mold
remediation is completed during the warm weather periods. But,
attic ventilation corrections
should be performed as
quickly as possible after remediation during the cold weather months. This
is because attic ceiling mold grows during the cold weather
period in poorly ventilated attics.
Long Extended Warranties
Advanced Mold Remediation attic warranties average from 5 to 7 years.
How long does it take ?
Typically we can complete
the part 1 cleaning in 1 day. Two days for a larger or difficult
to work in attic. We then return after drying to apply the
anti-microbial protectant sealer coating. Mold remediation work for an attic is typically
done by a two or three man crew, who work exclusively on attic and
crawlspace mold problems day in and day out, week in and week out.
They are highly trained and very efficient.
How Much Does it Cost ?
The prices
that are currently being charged by other companies can vary
significantly. Average attic remediation costs industry wide
vary from $2500 to $6000. Our rates average between $2000 - $3900.
It depends on how much area needs
cleaning, how heavy the mold growth is and if the attic has
blown-in insulation. Attics with blown-in cellulose insulation
are the most difficult to work in, so they cost more than
average. Something the homeowner should be aware of:
The finished visual quality of mold remediation work varies
widely from company to company in this industry. Some companies
will leave a lot of black discolored ceiling sheathing after they
finish. This will lead to many questions and concerns for future buyers. If you
want the attic ceiling sheathing to look like there was never a
mold problem, we're your company. We get most black moldy attic ceiling
plywood looking like new wood after we finish.
There are
always roofing contractors who will tell homeowners that their entire
roof needs replacement. These
companies want to tell you to replace your entire roof (boards
and all), and these estimates often range anywhere from 10 grand
to 20 grand, and routinely don't even solve the problem. Here's
why: What happens is the roofing company might remove all the
roofing shingles and roofing sheathing. That still leaves the
moldy ceiling joists and attic side-walls that still would need
remediation cleaning and sealing. Also, the new attic ceiling plywood if
not properly sealed will just re-grow new mold. Proper attic
venting is needed to prevent future mold regrowth. Every house
is different in its attic venting requirements. This is due to
different roof designs, use of solar panels on roofs, use of
humidifiers inside homes, having recessed ceiling lights on the
top floor ceiling, tightness of windows and siding and dampness
of basements from high water tables or from foundation seapage.
All of these factors come into play when determining how much
attic venting is needed to prevent wintertime attic condensation
and mold growth. Some homes can get by with little attic venting
and others need great venting to prevent problems. Many
don't know or don't tell you about
the solutions available today to remediate mold without removing
the attic ceiling sheathing. Attic ceiling sheathing only
needs to be replaced if it is physically damaged. They see mold as a good way to
up-sell a roofing job to homeowners and don't realize that attic
mold growth is almost always caused by ventilation problems inside the attic. Even though any good roofer should understand
an attic should have proper intake (soffit) vents, and proper
exhaust vents (ridge or multiple box vents). They tell the homeowner they should
replace an entire roof and then often will re-install improper
ventilation or won't correct things like a bathroom ceiling vent
improperly venting into the attic.
process is far more effective at restoring the mold stained
wood to a bright clean condition than
our Massachusetts & New Hampshire competitors.
We offer long extended
warrantees to protect both your home and your wallet.
Call for a Free Price Quote
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