Health Effects of Mold
What symptoms
are commonly seen with mold exposure?
* Exposure to mold can produce adverse
health effects through inflammation, allergy, or infection.
Allergic reactions (often referred to as hay fever) are most
common following mold exposure. Typical symptoms that
mold-exposed persons report (alone or in combination) include:
Respiratory problems, such as wheezing, difficulty breathing,
and shortness of breath Nasal and sinus congestion • Eye
irritation (burning, watery, or reddened eyes) • Post nasal
drip, dry hacking cough.
• Nose or throat
irritation • Skin rashes or irritation Headaches, memory
problems, mood swings, nosebleeds, body aches and pains, and
fevers are occasionally reported in mold cases.
How much mold
can make me sick?
• It depends.
For some people, a relatively small number of mold spores can
trigger an asthma attack or lead to other health problems. For
other persons, symptoms may occur only when exposure levels are
much higher. Nonetheless, indoor mold growth is unsanitary and
undesirable. Basically, if you can see or smell mold inside your
home, take steps to identify and eliminate the excess moisture ,
cleanup and remove the mold immediately.
Are some molds
more hazardous than others?
persons vary in their sensitivities to mold, both as to the
amount and the types to which they react. In addition to their
allergic properties, certain types of molds, such as
Stachybotris chartarum (infamous black mold)and some aspergillus
& penicillium molds may produce compounds that have toxic
properties, which are called mycotoxins. When mold spores are
producing mycotoxins an off odor is commonly detected in that
area of the home. Mycotoxins are not always produced, and
whether a mold produces mycotoxins depends on what the mold is
growing on. Conditions such as temperature, pH, humidity or
other unknown factors play an important role. When mycotoxins
are present, they occur in both living and dry dorment mold
spores and may be present in materials that have become
contaminated with molds. While Stachybotrys is growing, a wet
slime layer covers its spores, preventing them from becoming
airborne. However, when the mold dies and dries up, air currents
or physical handling can cause spores to become airborne. That
is why removing mold contaminated materials needs to be done
carefully to prevent spreading of mold spores. Presently there
is no environmental test to determine whether Stachybotrys mold
growth found in buildings is producing toxins. The most common
initial complaint people have when exposed to this mold type is
a sudden headache or sore throat. There is no reliable blood or
urine test that can establish if an individual has been exposed
to Stachybotrys chartarum spores or its toxins.
Who is at
greater risk when exposed to mold?
Exposure to
mold is not healthy for anyone inside buildings. Therefore, it
is always best to identify and correct high moisture conditions
quickly before mold grows and health problems develop. Some
people may have more severe symptoms or become ill more rapidly
than others: • Individuals with existing respiratory conditions,
such as allergies, chemical sensitivities, or asthma. • Persons
with weakened immune systems (such as people with HIV infection,
cancer chemotherapy patients, and so forth) • Infants and young
children • The elderly, anyone with health problems they believe
are due to molds should consult a medical professional.
Additional fact sheets on Mold and Health Effects are
available from CDHS: • Health Effects of Toxin-Producing
Molds • Stachybotrys chartarum a mold that may be found in
water damage homes. • Fungi and Indoor Air Quality •
Misinterpretation of Stachybotrys Serology